Issue Position: Energy Independence

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2012
Issues: Energy

Does anyone else think we look foolish to the rest of the free world? Cap and Trade is the latest attempt to surrender America's economic future while third world developing nations like India and China would continue expanding. America needs to start looking within our own borders to find solutions to our energy needs, not trying to pass policies that are guaranteed to drive up energy costs. We have already seen the crippling effects on our economy from gasoline prices and they continue to skyrocket due to our own unwillingness to access our own resources and innovations.

Our electric rates are projected to double or triple if the congress in Washington DC creates new hardships and punishes those who use coal fueled power plants through the proposed "Cap and Trade" Bill. Nuclear power is the least expensive form of electric generation available, but only about 20% of our electricity comes from a nuclear source. Electricity has been the source of our financial development and stability.

While you may not think your electric bill is anything to brag about, our rates in Missouri are currently among the lowest in the nation. Part of the reason for this has to do with our ability to use plants that were built and paid for decades ago. Current projections show that our demand for electricity will increase 20-30 % over the next 20 years.

If our congress passes the "Cap and Trade Bill" get ready to see your electric rates really go up. The best way to understand Cap and Trade is to consider the game of musical chairs. Right now, there are enough chairs for everybody, but Cap and Trade seeks to remove chairs every year until there are only a few players left in the game. The end result will be less electricity available at very high prices. If you didn't like what happened when gas went up to over $4 per gallon, you are really not going to like this!

I asked my source at Ameren UE what happens if those in Washington don't pass the bill once they realize that a recession is a horrible time to inflict additional, undue hardship on the American people. He said the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) already has enough power to levy these taxes. The blame still falls to Congress who created and gives this power to the EPA. Our congress has the power to create, direct and dismantle the EPA like a robot.

Here is the bottom line: Those representing us are asking all the wrong questions. Instead of trying to further destabilize the economy by increasing the cost of living expenses on the citizens, they should be asking, "How can we help our citizens and free markets gain access to less expensive utilities?" Perhaps the best answer is for congress to curtail their interference in our lives.
